Board Elections

You can petition to serve on our Volunteer Board of Directors

Board Elections

The Nominating Committee has selected candidates for the upcoming three open seats on the Meridian Trust Board of Directors. The nominees are:

  • Vickie Mattox

    Returning Board Member

    Vickie Mattox is a retired 40-year employee of BNSF and has served as a volunteer with Western Heritage Federal Credit Union for over 20 years. She has held several leadership positions on the board including Chair. Vickie is active in the Alliance, Nebraska community serving on several other boards and committees including Keep Alliance Beautiful, the Planning Commission, and United Way. She has a Bachelor of Science in Business from Dakota State University.

  • Garth Shanklin

    Returning Board Member

    Garth Shanklin has been a member of Meridian Trust FCU since 1991 and has been on the Board of Directors since 2016. He enjoyed a long career in education. He began his work at the University of Wisconsin in 1972. After also working at Colorado State University and the University of Wyoming, Gath spent his last 26 working years at Casper College, retiring in 2012.

  • Marci Norby

    Returning Board Member

    Marci Norby has served on the Board of Directors since 2016. She is the Administrator for the Wyoming Public Service Commission, managing business operations, technical staff, IT, and budgets. Previously, she supervised natural gas, pipeline and electricity regulation. Norby is also part of NARUC’s Executive Management Subcommittee and holds a B.S. in Wildlife and Fisheries Biology and an M.S. in Finance from the University of Wyoming.

In accordance with credit union bylaws and rules, the Board of Directors will be announced at our 2025 Annual Meeting. With three open positions on the board and three nominees, there will not be an election this year unless further candidates apply through petition.

Per Meridian Trust Bylaws, Article 5, Section 1: A brief statement of qualifications and biographical data in a form approved by the Board of Directors will be included for each nominee submitted by the nominating committee with the written notice to all eligible members.

Deadline: Petitions must be returned by end of business day on Thursday, March 20, 2025, complete with a minimum of 1% of the membership’s signatures.

Signatures from individuals who are joint owners, but who do not have a primary share account of their own, are not valid. If there are no nominations by petition, the candidates stated above will be put forth on the election ballot.

Download a copy of Petition for Nomination (PDF).

Signed petitions must be received by certified mail at the following address:

Meridian Trust Federal Credit Union
Attn: Board of Director Nominations
PO Box 548
Cheyenne, WY 82003

Any petitions received after end of business day on Thursday, March 20, 2025, will not be accepted.